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Friday, December 10, 2010

Google Zeitgeist : Apple iPad & iPhone 4 Are Fastest Rising Tech Terms

Apple's impact on the world of technology is illustrated by the fact that the iPad and the iPhone 4 are the two fastest rising terms in technology according to Google's official Zeitgeist 2010 list.
Ominously, all but one of the ten terms refer to mobile phones - the Nokia 5530. the HTC Evo 4G, the Nokia 900 and Blackberry Apps, Duracell Mygrid, Otterbox and PDAnet - refer to mobile phone technologies.
This is not surprising as Google says that mobile technology has been one of the most recurring themes in the news section.
As reported a few days ago, the iPad has already surpassed the iPhone 4 as UK's most searched Apple product and will be the biggest search term in December as people flock to buy Apple's tablet.
As for Chatroulette, the fastest rising search term in 2010 according to Google, is likely to fade away very rapidly in 2011 according to Google's own Trending system.
To Apple's credit, the iPad first spiked in January 2010 before falling down and rebounding in April; search queries for "ipad" has been rising ever since and is even ahead of Twitter and Facebook.

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